Friday, June 19, 2009

Summer Message Series: Who Are These Guys?

This week kicks-off our summer message series on the main characters from the book of Genesis! Get ready to connect with their stories and understand how God worked in and through them. You will be surprised to know that these guys experienced issues similar to what we face today.

Each Monday we will post a few key questions and thoughts from the Sunday morning message and open it up for our people to make comments on the post.

You'll have the opportunity to comment on something that you learned from studying the lives of these characters. You could even share a story of how God has worked similarly in your own life. It will be fun and inspiring to share our thoughts and see how God is working in us and through us, just as he did with these guys. The God of the Old Testament is the same God we worship today - how is He moving in your life?

Don't forget to sign your post!


  1. So, can we give our time, talent and treasures back to God as our first fruits? If we have a gifting in some ability or talent, and we use it for his purposes, not our own, would that be considered giving back of our first fruits? But not if we use it all up and give back a little of the left-overs of the day... if we give our best, when we are at our best. What if we use these same talents, treasures and time and use them to help someone out that needs help? Would this be considered the same as giving it back to God? The bible talks about "if you do it for the least of these...", it's the same as doing it for him. I'm wondering about this concept...

  2. I do believe most of us give what is "Left over" and not our first fruits. All we have is from God and we tend to forget that, I probably lead the pack in that.

  3. When I went to a Christian Writer's conference, a table discussion was started on tithing and first fruits. The argument was made that it matters most what you do with what is left over after tithing. Are you being good stewards of your money? I absolutely believe in first fruits. Tithing too for that matter. But, as a concept, I think after so many churches, not ours, focussing on money, money, money, I think it is a hard one to accept. I know when we prayed about it, God put it on both Scott's and my heart to tithe. I believe everyone comes to this in God's time and from reflection on the bible. Giving your time, talent and treasure are good things to do for the Lord and can only enrich your life. We are not meant to do this world alone, but together.

  4. the first fruits that really stuck out for me was my time. I need to give God my time first and whenever he asks. I tend toward getting my to do list done, then thinking about God's if there is any time left. I fall into routine very easy and just need to take time to really evaluate my heart and listen for that voice and prompting of God.

  5. Initially, we must identify what ARE the first fruits of our lives.
    We see recorded that Abel gave the first, perfect,fatling lambs as his offering. He gave of the results of work which was done WITH the Lord's gifts..the Lord gave the animals (sheep), the Lord created the sheep to reproduce, the Lord gave water and grass for their food, the Lord gave Abel all of his creation in order that Abel could provide for himself and for the animals. It seems to say in the Scriture that Abel understood in a real way that everything came from God as God enabled him to do his husbandry work. In giving his best and first, Abel was acknowledging to his Lord that he had gratitude unto the Mercy and Grace of the Lord's provision and care for his life. God accepted his heartfelt gratitude in the token of the first fruits(lambs) of his labor. The gift was not a reqired tithe.
