Monday, June 29, 2009

June 28, 2009: NOAH FOUND GRACE

Noah was just a normal guy who walked with God. He obeyed when it didn't make ANY sense and when there was no end in sight. 120 years is a long time to trust and follow God.
(Genesis 6:8-10, 22)

~ What does it mean to "walk with God"?
~ Do you find it difficult to follow God when it doesn't make any sense to you?
~ Do people think you're crazy for living a sold-out life for God?
~ How do you think Noah felt when he was on that boat for 40 days with no end in sight?

God didn't take away the "storm" in Noah's life. He provided a way through it. (Genesis 8:1)

~ What kind of "storms" have you faced in your life?
~ How did God provide a way through it?

These questions are posted to open up discussion and comments on the story of Noah and his family. Please feel free to share your own thoughts, comments and questions on this topic. You may comment on other posts, too. What a great topic for discussion/comments this week!

Click on "# comments" below on this week's post to write your responses and to read others. You can make an anonymous post or sign your name.


  1. There was so much from this message that I could identify with! It can be incredibly difficult to follow God when your flesh is screaming to do one thing but you know in your heart what God wants. It doesn't always make sense, but I guess that's where obedience and faith come into play. Sometimes I do wonder if I'm getting a little "crazy" for the new way I'm trying to live. It's hard but worth the results! As for the storms, I feel like it's been more like hurricanes in my life lately but as He promises, He seems to always provide a way through it. God is good!!!

  2. Sometimes in life we feel like we need to rush ahead of God and "fix" things or control things or help God out. That can be running ahead of God.
    If we are walking with God, and talking with Him and holding on to his hand and his promises, he will take care of everything in his way and in his timing. That takes trust and patience. Especially if we don't understand what God is doing or why.
    His ways are not our ways. I frequently forget that. He can do things and fix things and take care of us in ways that far exceed our imaginations.

  3. Sometimes making sense of some things in the bible is difficult. Somethings seem to fly in the face of logic from our earthly perspective. But we know Jesus exsisted and we know what He said!!! We can always make sense out of that. His words were simple and concise. We can only get to the Father through Him.I always take comfort in that.

  4. The most poignant piece of this message for me was, the reminder that Noah still had to ride through the storm. God didn't just remove him from it, but provided him a way through it.

    That is something I can really sink my teeth into in times of trouble.

    Kim A
